How it all began

Boot Hill Farms is located in Vernal, UTAH, USA. The Bell family tree has roots that expand across the Uintah Basin for over 100 years. Farming has been an inherent part of our family’s growth. A few decades back the operation was strictly hog production. Children grew, left home to attend college and start families of their own. Rick and Jennifer Bell downsized with the sale of their pig herd. Bryan, and his family, built a home close to his parents in 2019. With the demand for milk on the rise, autumn, 2014 brought new energy and ideas in the form of a Jersey milking heifer named Daisy.

How We Got Started

We used to farm CFO (Confined Feeding Operation) style. Quality wasn’t the highest priority, but due to commercialized growing of our food we had the desire to concentrate on utilizing our forage pastures for production of meat. Further study has lead us to practice healthy grazing across all species.

We Love What We Do

Producing and sharing wonderful food is our passion. We want you to not only feel good about the food you put in your body, but delight in the flavor and satiation of naturally grown fats and proteins, as well. Customers return to Boot Hill Farms because they know we care about what we do. They are getting the best food we know how to produce. You will notice an improved difference when you prescribe yourself nature’s medicine.

Why We Keep Farming

Farming is in our blood and we trust nature knows how to provide what we need. We have always felt the euphoric affects of being connected to the land. We want the same for our friends and neighbors. For a longer, healthier, and happier life, we recognized a need for people to know more about their food. We encourage folks to know WHERE their food comes from and that they have a choice in knowing HOW their food is produced.

What Our Customers Mean To Us

When you step into the doors at Boot Hill Farms, you are stepping into our family! We do what we do for our health and want to help you reach your health goals. We hope you will lend us your full confidence.